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Grab your Hard Hat

Architects need to travel to ‘site’ a lot during the course of a project, which typically ranges from 9-12 months for works to a private house and longer if the project is larger in scale or has special planning or funding requirements. This is why we have chosen to concentrate our efforts on projects within the Yorkshire region and being based in York means that we can normally get to our projects within 60 to 90 minutes.

The first site visit or ‘initial visit’ happens when we receive a new enquiry; there is no better way to assess whether what you want to do will work, than discussing it with you ‘in-situ’. This visit is something that we don’t charge for and will help us to build up a detailed picture of your requirements and what you need us to do.

Once an agreement is in place, the next time we visit is to carry out a measured building survey. This is followed by a series of meetings with you to develop the sketch design. We often attend when the Planning Officer makes their site visit, which gives us an opportunity to have a useful face to face discussion with them.

After Planning Permission has been granted and the technical design stage completed, we meet on site with potential building contractors (this may be with up to 4 builders depending on the preferred tender process). During this informal ‘interview’ we talk them through the project and often get valuable feedback from them about implementing the design.

Then when the action starts i.e. the building work has begun, we visit regularly (usually every two weeks) to inspect and record the works, checking  progress and quality of workmanship and answering design/technical queries from the builder.

Three final visits are made to confirm the work as ‘Practically Complete’ (at this stage the ‘site’ is handed back to the client) and then again after a period of 3-6 months to check for defects that need to be rectified and lastly when the agreed rectification work has been done.

So adding this all up; the average number of times that we visit a project that takes 5-6 months to build is 24. Being close by and by virtue responsive, whilst cutting down travel time is therefore a key factor.